Have you assessed the safety of your chemical or drug with the visual system in mind?
by Dr. Rhian Cope
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This briefing note summarises the requirements for operators of combustion plants that fall under the Medium Combustion Plant Directive (MCDP) and Specified Generator regulations and gives an update of the key dates for complying with the regulations to be aware of.
Understanding the Requirements
The Medium Combustion Plant Directive (MCPD) forms part of the EU’s Clean Air Policy and fills a regulatory gap between small and large combustion plant, targeting emissions from combustion plants of between 1 and 50MWth input.
The Environmental Permitting Regulations (England and Wales) were amended in 2018 to implement the requirements of the MCPD. When transposing the requirements of the MCPD into the EPR, Defra introduced additional controls for Specified Generators (SG)s. In short, the amendments require operators to obtain and comply with the conditions of an environmental permit if they operate a MCP or SG, with a small number of exemptions. Both the MCP and SG controls are implemented by the EPR.
Specified Generators (SGs) are those MCPs that generate electricity for >50hrs per annum (incl. testing) or export electricity to the grid.
Large Combustion Plants (LCPs) with an aggregated rated thermal input capacity (MWth) over 50MWth regulated as IED Chapter II and III plant are exempt from the requirements of the SG Controls.
Key Dates
MCPD controls apply to all MCP regardless of the fuel type used, which have a rated thermal input of each unit between 1MWth and 50MWth. SG controls, unless excluded, apply to generators with a rated thermal input between 1MWth and 50MWth. You may find that your plant must comply under both the MCPD and SG requirements. If this is the case, then your plant must be permitted by the earliest relevant permitting date. There are several factors which vary the date which you are required to have your MCPD or SG permit in place.
Should I have a Permit?
In line with the MCPD and SG requirements, you should already have obtained a permit for your site if you are;
If you wish to commission a new MCP or enter into a new capacity market agreement which causes your plant to become a Tranche B SG, you are required to obtain a permit before the commissioning date.
In line with the EPR, the next set of permitting dates are for;
SLR can offer numerous services for the Environmental Permitting of your MCP or SG such as:
If you require further information or wish to discuss how we can provide support please get in touch.
by Dr. Rhian Cope