Human health and ecological risk assessment for PFAS

Client Name
Site Developer (Confidential)
Victoria, Australia


Measurable levels of per- and poly- fluoroalkylated substances (PFAS) were identified in soil, surface water and groundwater on portions of an existing residential estate a number of years after an Environmental Audit had been undertaken.

The audit had been undertaken prior to construction of the estate and prior to the time that PFAS were routinely included in chemical analyses of environmental media.

The client needed to understand whether the discovery of PFAS on the estate affected the validity of conclusions made in the original environmental audit.


SLR was engaged to undertake a human health and ecological risk assessment of PFAS for applicable exposure pathways and potential populations exposed.

These included terrestrial and aquatic flora and fauna, residents, commercial, maintenance and intrusive workers. Site-specific Investigation Levels for PFOS + PFHxS were derived for protection of human health. Relevant exposure pathways included soil/dust ingestion and consumption of home-grown fruits and vegetables.


The outcomes of the risk assessment were used to identify whether further assessment and/or management were required.

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