
The $10.9 billion Melbourne Metro Tunnel will deliver twin nine-kilometre tunnels and five new underground stations at Arden, Parkville, CBD North, CBD South & Domain. The Metro Tunnel Early Works package includes:

  • The relocation of power, drainage, gas, water, sewer and telecommunications services to clear the alignment prior to the Main Works commencing in 2018.
  • The construction of two access shafts in Franklin Street & A’Beckett Street to enable future construction of the stations.
  • Major site preparation works including land clearing, property demolition, temporary relocation of monuments & tree protection & removal across all precincts.


Our team undertook the following:

  • Prediction & monitoring of construction activities against the project’s environmental performance requirements
  • Identification of key impacts to the specific needs of stakeholders
  • Assisting the project as the technical specialist advisor during stakeholder & regulator consultation
  • Evaluate & recommend practical & cost effective mitigation measures
  • Noise, vibration, air quality predictions & impact assessment of all early works activities in all seven precincts
  • Building dynamics testing
  • Comprehensive construction noise & vibration monitoring programme
  • Monitoring, data analysis & interpretation
  • Complaint investigation
  • Mitigation design and advice
  • Stakeholder meetings & expert representation
  • Noise expert secondment to construction team.


  • Developed & coordinated a comprehensive remote monitoring system
  • Developed a unique modelling methodology that is both technically comprehensive and flexible to provide efficient examination of construction options
  • Facilitated the successful delivery of a highly complex and fluid construction programme within the framework of challenging environmental performance requirements.

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