Milsons Point Child Care

Client Name
Capital Land Australia Pty Ltd
New South Wales, Australia


The proposed childcare centre was planned for a refurbished level of an existing building. Due to its location and layout some of the playrooms did not meet the Building Code of Australia requirements for lighting.

SLR were engaged to assist with the following:

  • Conduct baseline modelling for the playrooms of the childcare centre
  • Propose and outline a solution to introduce more natural light to the playrooms
  • Provide overshadowing analysis to determine the optimal location for the lighting system
  • Conduct light tested of the installed system to check compliance.


Our team’s role on the project included:

  • Model the lighting conditions for the proposed design
  • Provide a solution to improve the natural lighting condition
  • Checking compliance of the proposed solution against the project requirements.


SLR provided lighting and overshadowing reports as well as and proposed an innovative solution involving a solar collector and fibre optic system to improve the natural light in the centre.

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