Rhino - Proposed Exploration Well Drilling in Licence Block 2914A off the coast of southern Namibia

07 June 2024 | Client: Rhino Resources Namibia Ltd

Rhino Resources Namibia Ltd. (Rhino) is the holder of an Exploration Licence for Licence Block 2914A, located off the southern coast of Namibia. Licence Block 2914A covers an area of approximately 5 338 km2 and is located 140 km offshore at its closest point in water depths ranging from 200 m to 1 800 m.
Rhino is now applying to for an Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) for the drilling of up to 10 exploration and/or appraisal wells within the Block to confirm and test the presence and quality of hydrocarbon resources. Related exploration activities include vertical seismic profiling (VSP), well testing, and well abandonment.

Before the proposed exploration activities can commence, Rhino requires an ECC from the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism (MEFT). As part of this process, an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) must be undertaken. SLR Environmental Consulting (Namibia) (Pty) Ltd (SLR) has been appointed to undertake and manage the ESIA process.


Th Draft ESIA Report has been updated to a Final ESIA Report and submitted to MEFT and MME for decision-making. For information purposes, the full Final ESIA Report is available for download below.

Final ESIA Report