NamWater: ESIA for the Desalination Plant and the #Gaingu PV Power Plant

09 August 2024 | Client: Namibia Water Corporation Ltd

Namibia Water Corporation Ltd (NamWater) is a wholly state-owned enterprise whose mandate is the supply of bulk water services to Namibia. NamWater is proposing the development of a desalination plant and water carriage system to secure water supply to the Namibian Central Coastal area. NamWater further intends to develop a photovoltaic (PV) plant in the #Gaingu Conservancy to supply power to the proposed desalination plant and pump station.

The development and operation of the Desalination and Water Carriage System and PV plant is subject to an Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) being granted by the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism (MEFT) in terms of the Environmental Management Act, 2007 (No. 7 of 2007) (EMA).

Granting of the ECC is subject to an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) being undertaken. SLR Environmental Consulting Namibia (SLR) has been appointed to undertake the necessary ESIA process on behalf of NamWater.


Stephanie Strauss


Telephone: +26461231287


On behalf of Namibia Water Corporation Ltd (NamWater), notice is hereby given that on 22 February 2024 (received by NamWater on 5 April 2024) for the #Gaingu Solar PV Plant and on 25 July 2024 (received by NamWater on 12 August 2024) Supply Scenario 1 of the Desalination Plant and Water Carriage System to Secure Water Supply to the Central Coast, Namibia the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism: Directorate of Environmental Affairs granted an Environmental Clearance Certificate. A copy of the ECC's and notice to all the registered Interested and Affected Parties (IAPs) can be found below.

#Gaungu Solar PV Plant - Notice to IAPs on the awarding of the ECC

Desalination Plant - Notice to IAPs on the awarding of the ECC