Asbestos remediation for Stephenson Avenue extension

Client Name
Densford Civil
Osbourne Park, Perth WA


SLR provided supervision of a major asbestos remediation and validation project for the extension of Stephenson Avenue in Osbourne Park, Perth Western Australia. The project involved hand picking to remove fly tipped asbestos containing material and surface clearance inspections in accordance with the project Remediation Action Plan.


The team provided asbestos fibre and dust monitoring and provided technical advice to the civil contractor completing the works. The potential current and future risks to human health and/or the environment from asbestos in soils was mitigated by our experts.


Our team supervised and managed the removal of approximately 500 kg of asbestos containing material sheeting and from the site to enable the construction of the road alignment. Daily air monitoring results were below the detection limits and asbestos impacted soils and ACM fragments were successfully disposed offsite to a Department of Water and Environmental Regulation licenced landfill facility.

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