
Enervest, as part of a larger portfolio, is developing a pipeline of utility-scale battery energy storage system (BESS) projects across New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria and South Australia. The implementation of BESS technology is critical to achieving Australia's ambitious renewable energy targets. By building large-scale BESS facilities across the country, Enervest, with the assistance of SLR, is helping to ensure renewable energy can be seamlessly integrated into the grid, while also enhancing grid stability and reducing costs for consumers.

As part of this project Enervest required a lead Consultant to assist in environmental due diligence and planning approvals and strategy.


The team delivered the services across three phases where during each phase, each site will be assessed at four gates, identifying feasibility, risk, time, and cost to reach Ready-To-Build.

Phase one included assessment findings which were reported and summarised in a planning risk based on high, medium and low. This report summarised key risks, constraints and considerations for each identified site along with planning maps and overlays.

Phase two included state and local pre-lodgement consultation, initially completed for tranche one, screening 25 sites across New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, and South Australia.

The applications which are required to be prepared involved a multi-disciplinary approach within SLR involving the following internal teams;

  • Planning application preparation,
  • Environmental impact statement preparation
  • Traffic assessment
  • Acoustic assessment
  • Visual assessment
  • Civil engineering (cut & fill)
  • Ecological assessment
  • Bushfire assessment
  • Social assessment
  • Glint & glare assessment
  • Hazard assessment
  • GIS mapping/solutions, and
  • Plan drafting services.


SLR successfully provided the necessary due diligent information within the allocated budget and timeframe. At the conclusion of the initial due diligence phase, indicative pricing for the approvals component was provided. The first tranche of the project involved preparing nine sites for application submission in four different states over a period of four months. SLR effectively managed and delivered application packages for all sites within the designated timeframe.

Valuable insights were gained during the preparation process, which were shared with the client to enhance and optimise the process for future sites. The identification and communication of these insights resulted in significant cost and time advantages for future work in the program.

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