Masterplan for Orchard Street

Client Name
Connell Brothers
Salford, UK


SLR's Place team are working on behalf of landowners to prepare masterplan for this brownfield site in Salford. Currently a recycling centre and light industrial location the proposals look to create a new community of over 450 homes, connecting into nearby residential development at Charlestown Riverside.

The site exhibits a range of technical and environmental challenges which the design has responded to. These include noise from neighbouring uses and the adjacent railway line, the retention of a historic canal alignment. A new linear park, play spaces and internal square connect into the area’s wider green infrastructure provision.


SLR is acting as lead Masterplanner and Landscape Architect and had prepared an outline planning application and Design & Access Statement to be submitted to Salford City Council.

© Crown copyright and database rights 2017 Ordnance Survey 0100031673. Aerial imagery

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