Westfield London Phase 2

Client Name
Westfield Europe Limited
White City, London, UK


We were appointed to help secure consent for a significant expansion of the Westfield Shopping Centre, including a major uplift in the residential component, within the White City Opportunity Area Planning Framework (WCOAPF). The key challenge was to deliver growth within constrained transport networks.


Transport: We began work on Westfield London Phase 2 in 2011 and have helped deliver a number of successful planning applications. We work closely with the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham, TfL and other key stakeholders to develop a sustainable travel strategy that builds on the excellent accessibility of the site and the opportunities available for sustainable travel.

The strategy includes work to improve Shepherd’s Bush Overground Station, the potential relocation of White City Bus Station, the introduction of “Boris Bikes” and improvements to public realm to encourage greater levels of walking and cycling; all to improve on the existing 85% sustainable travel mode split.

Microsim: We undertook detailed traffic modelling work to understand the constraints of the highway network and identify the potential for improvements. This led to us updating TfL’s VISSIM base model, which we now update on its behalf to provide a reliable tool for the assessment of all future WCOAPF schemes.

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