Yarrabee solar project

Client Name
Reach Solar Energy Pty Ltd
Shire of Narrandera, NSW, Australia


The Yarrabee Solar Project is located within the Shire of Narrandera in Western New South Wales and has been designated as a State Significant Development. The 2,600-hectare site has a rural zoning and is currently utilised for large scale agricultural purposes.

The proposal entails the construction of a 900 MWac photovoltaic (PV) solar plant to be developed in stages, consisting of solar panels, inverters, synchronous condensers, sub-station, energy storage and grid connection. Approval for the project, which included a 35 MW/70 MWh battery energy storage system was obtained in December 2018.


SLR was engaged as the Lead Environmental Consultant to deliver the project’s Preliminary Environmental Assessment, Environmental Impact Statement and Development Application.

SLR carried out the following specialist studies:

  • Acoustics
  • Air Quality
  • Biodiversity & Ecology (incl. Native Vegetation)
  • Climate Change
  • Contaminated Land & Geotechnical Studies (incl. Soil Surveys)
  • Environmental Management Plan (Construction & Operation)
  • GIS
  • Hazards & Risk
  • Hydrology & Flooding
  • Water Management
  • Landscape & Visual Impact Assessment
  • Reflective Glare
  • Traffic Engineering & Transport Management
  • Waste Management

Our team was able to assess the proposed impacts of the Solar Project in relation to the surrounding environment and identify area where the proposed development could potentially be seen from areas adjoining the site. The Assessment of Visual Impacts was undertaken rating elements such as Receptor Sensitivity, Magnitude of Landscape Change and the Effect Significance.

In addition, our team worked with Reach Solar Energy to deliver an extensive Community Consultation and Stakeholder Engagement plan, including community meetings, one-on-ones with a wide range of stakeholders, materials for the project website and letter box flyers.

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